Almut Belote - Creating Through CrisisIntroducing this new series, Creating Through Crisis, Alicia Culp, Leadership & Transitions Coach sits down with President & Creative Director, Almut Belote of Almut Belote Jewelry to discuss how the COVID-19 crisis has influenced her creativity as a business owner and artist and how she keeps her energy-fueled and mindset clear to face the challenges of the moment.

About Almut Belote

Born and raised in Graz, Austria, Almut Belote always had a fondness for the arts, especially Opera and Classical music. At the age of 18, she was offered to shadow a goldsmith for the day at a workshop in her hometown of Graz. This single experience ignited a new found love and passion for handmade jewelry. 

Beginning a full-time apprenticeship in 1989, Almut Belote is now a recognized master goldsmith originating unique pieces in her workshop and boutique showroom in Thornton Park, Orlando, Florida. Recently at the American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) 6-day event in Tucson, Arizona, Almut’s hard work and eye for design were honored with the prestigious AGTA “Buyers’ Choice” award voted on by attendees.

Almut’s extensive travels throughout Europe and South America and her time as a goldsmith in the U.S. Virgin Islands have influenced her outlook and approach to aesthetics and design.

Visit her website to learn more:

Watch the episode here: